Home Strength Training Made Easy

Strength Training Workouts at Home

How to make fantastic and safe Strength Gains in a short Period of Time

Gary-Dallas-Mavericks Real-Life Testimonial To Jim Warren at EXERGENIE

Just wanted you to know how happy and pleased I have been since using my EXERGENIE purchased in September 2013. Wish that I would’ve discovered it much, much sooner.

I have worked and traveled with the Dallas Mavericks as their sports massage therapist for 14 seasons and carried it with me on the road, actually everywhere I go. It is so convenient and easy to set up and use at home or in a hotel room. But it still enables you to have a killer workout routine (at home!) with safety built in.

At home a variety of hooks strategically placed on the wall, on the floor, and on the ceiling are

used to connect the unit and perform my workout routines. My main reason for enjoying this is that it’s safe, convenient, quick and easy but only if you want it to be easy. Can’t say that about weight training anymore. After being a personal trainer for over 25 years, I prefer not to recommend weight training due to the possible injuries and the long term suffering which happens in later life.

I myself did a little competitive bodybuilding, without the use of drugs, and was educated with a degree in health and physical education. I still ended up with a torn rotator cuff, two torn pec muscles and two triceps that had to be surgically sewn back on. And, I’d like to thin

k that I was trained and knew what I was doing. Honestly feel that all of my injuries were a result of reading the nonsense that was put out in muscle books and listening to what bodybuilders had to say. Only later in life did I then find out that the majority of them were using drugs but forgot to mention that fact. Honestly felt because of these magazines and the fact the bodybuilders keep pushing intensity and that many trainees don’t work out hard enough, caused my injuries.

Now I’ve got 7 grandkids that are getting into sports. For them I’ve recommended the EXERGENIE, the use of several hooks utilizing several different positions for the exercises, a big mirror with a track light mounted in front of the mirror so they can watch and see the muscles being worked throughout the differe

nt exercises. This I think is the safeimage7st way to do your routine instead of using weights.

Most of my weightlifting friends of the past have either died from the use of drugs, or have had knee replacements, hip replacements, or shoulder replacements that I feel that weights and weight training routine are responsible for.

There are many good things that can be accomplished through weight training routines but I definitely feel in the long run that the bad outweighs the good.

With the EXER-GENIE, you can make fantastic gains in a short period of time but with the buFineske Mavericks Championship Ringilt in safety factor for now and more importantly for later years to come.

Yours truly,

Gary “Fingers” Fineske

About Latest Posts

Gary “Fingers” Fineske
Degree in Health and Physical Education
Personal Trainer for over 25 years
Dallas Mavericks Sports Massage Therapist for 14 seasons
Category: Home Strength Training
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